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Address:Chuangli Road, Mid Adjiacent-Lake Economic Zone,Qidu,Wujiang, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,China


Common sense of elevator safety and passenger use

1. How to call the elevator briefly:

Press the call direction button correctly, and press "△" when going up; Press "▽" down. Incorrect operation: Press the outbound button multiple times or press the up and down outbound buttons simultaneously. Correct operation:

In the waiting hall, if you need to go upstairs to the destination floor, please press the up outbound button "△". If you need to go downstairs, please press the down outbound button "▽". If the button light is on, it indicates that the call has been registered (if the button has been pressed by another passenger, there is no need to press it again), and the car is about to stop at that floor. When the elevator car reaches the floor, it will automatically open the door, and passengers will be confirmed by the direction indicator light that the elevator car will go up or down. If the direction of the elevator car operation is the same as the calling direction, the illuminated outbound button light will go out, indicating that passengers can take the elevator; If the direction is opposite, the outbound button light will not turn off, and passengers still need to wait.

Example 1: The elevator responds to outbound signals in the forward direction. For example, the building you are in has 8 floors. If you need to take the elevator to the first floor on the third floor, you should press the outbound call button on the third floor. If you see the button light illuminated, it indicates that the signal has been registered. When the elevator reaches the 3rd floor and the 3rd floor button signal light goes out, the elevator responds to your needs. At this point, you can enter the elevator car and press the 1st floor internal selection button, and the elevator will take you to the 1st floor.

Example 2: The elevator responds to outbound signals in the forward direction. For example, the building you are in has 8 floors. If you need to take the elevator to the first floor on the third floor, you should press the outbound call button on the third floor, and the button light will be on to indicate that the signal has been registered. At this time, the elevator is parked on the first floor and no one is taking it. If someone above the fourth floor also presses the outbound button while you press the button, the elevator will directly respond to the signal above you. After answering the signal above you, it will then run in the same direction to the third floor and respond to your signal.

Example 3: The elevator responds to outbound signals in the forward direction. For example, the building you are in has 8 floors. If you need to take the elevator to the first floor on the third floor, you should press the outbound call button on the third floor. If you see the button light illuminated, it indicates that the signal has been registered. When the elevator reaches the 3rd floor and the 3rd floor button signal light does not turn off, it indicates that the elevator is running from bottom to top and someone in the elevator car has pressed the 3rd floor internal selection. The elevator will continue to run upwards after stopping on the third floor. At this time, you should not enter the elevator car and continue to wait for the elevator outside the floor. Until the elevator completes the last up signal and returns to the 3rd floor (the 3rd floor button light goes out), you can enter the elevator car and press the button for the floor you want to go to (1st floor).

Example 4: The elevator responds to outbound signals in the forward direction. For example, the building you are in has 8 floors. If you need to take the elevator to the first floor on the third floor, you should press the outbound call button on the third floor. If you see the button light illuminated, it indicates that the signal has been registered. When the elevator reaches the 3rd floor and the 3rd floor button signal light does not turn off, it indicates that the elevator is running from bottom to top and someone inside the elevator car has pressed the 3rd floor call. The elevator will continue to run upwards after stopping on the third floor. At this time, you should not enter the elevator car and continue to wait for the elevator outside the floor. Wait until the elevator completes the last up signal before answering your signal. If the elevator returns to the third floor without stopping, it indicates that the number of passengers in the elevator has reached the predetermined number. At this time, please wait for the next elevator.

How to enter and exit the elevator car

Description: First out, then in, without stopping at the door of the elevator car. Correct operation: When the floor and car doors are opened, passengers should leave first and then enter. When entering, passengers should stand on the side of the door and let the departing passengers go first. Passengers entering and exiting should not push each other, and special attention should be paid to the gap between the sills when entering and exiting.

Example 1: Before entering the elevator car, make sure that the elevator floor door is fully open and then check if the car has stopped steadily on the same level. Do not rush forward.

Example 2: Before entering the elevator car, you should wait for the elevator floor door to fully open and make sure that the floor of the car is in the same plane as the floor of this floor. Do not take steps hastily (a faulty elevator may have inaccurate leveling) to avoid tripping. Do not hold the door panel with your hands and do not reach into the gap between the car door and the shaft.

Example 3: When entering the elevator car, be careful not to get sharp protrusions such as crutches, high heels, umbrellas stuck in the grooves of the landing door sill or sandwiched between the two to avoid danger.

Example 4: It is prohibited to hold hands or lean back against the safety touch board (or light curtain) to avoid affecting others' boarding or the closing of the floor or car door, and even causing personal shear injury when encountering door opening operation failure.

3. How to open and close elevator doors: Press the call button outside the waiting hall or the door opening button inside the car to open the door again. Press the door closing button inside the car to close it. Correct operation: The floor and car doors will automatically close within a few seconds of opening. If it is necessary to delay closing the car door, press and hold the door opening button on the control panel inside the car; Alternatively, press the outbound button in the same direction outside the lobby. If you need to close the car door immediately, press the door closing button ">|<". Incorrect operation: When attempting to close the elevator floor or car door, use your body, hands, feet, etc. to directly prevent the door from closing. For example, when the elevator floor or car door is being closed, in order to catch the elevator or worry about delaying the exit of the car, one may use hands, feet, body or sticks, small carts, etc. to directly prevent the door from closing. Although under normal circumstances, the lower floor or car door will automatically reopen under the action of safety protection devices, if it is in a safety blind spot or the door system malfunctions, it can cause serious consequences.

4. How to reach the destination floor (how to take the elevator) Description: Press the destination floor button.

Correct operation: After entering the elevator, first press the destination floor button in the floor selection button (if hesitating, the elevator may answer other calls first, thereby extending your elevator ride time). The button light on indicates that the selected layer has been registered, and the elevator car will proceed in the order of the running direction. If there is a car armrest, the weak should try to grip the armrest as much as possible. Pay attention to the floor level indicated by the display inside the car. When reaching the destination floor, wait for the car to stop and the car door to fully open before exiting the car in sequence.

When using the elevator, it is prohibited to use your hands to lift the door or lean against the elevator door. Brief description: During the waiting process, it is prohibited to use your hands to lift the floor door. Once the door is opened, not only will the car come to an emergency stop, causing passengers to be trapped inside the car, affecting the normal operation of the elevator, but it may also cause waiting passengers to fall into the shaft or suffer shear injuries. During the operation of the car, passengers are prohibited from using their hands to lift the car door. Once the door is opened, the elevator car will come to an emergency stop, causing passengers to be trapped inside the car and affecting the normal operation of the elevator. Therefore, regardless of whether the elevator is in operation or not, scraping, prying, holding, and leaning against the floor/car door are all dangerous behaviors.

Why is it not advisable for children to take the elevator alone. Correct operation: Children should be supervised by their parents when taking the elevator. Children have weak self-care abilities, do not understand the safety knowledge of taking elevators, are lively and active, and are prone to misoperation. In addition, their self-protection ability is not strong, and they are prone to danger when alone in the elevator car or in emergency situations.

Why should 7 not jump inside the elevator car, shaking left and right can cause the safety device of the elevator to malfunction, causing passengers to be trapped inside the car, affecting the normal operation of the elevator, and potentially damaging elevator components.

8. What to do if the elevator is overloaded: When the elevator is overloaded, passengers cannot take it. Passengers who enter later are advised to exit, and passengers outside the elevator are not allowed to enter again. When the elevator car carries more than the rated load, the elevator will give an overload alarm and cannot close or start. At this time, passengers who enter later should actively exit the car. When severely overloaded, a slide may occur, causing equipment damage or personal injury.

When taking an elevator with a pet, what should be paid attention to? Do not use a long thin rope to lead the pet. Use your hands to pull or hold the rope tightly to prevent it from being caught by the floor or car door, which may cause safety accidents during operation. Note: Whether pets are allowed to take the elevator should comply with the regulations of the using unit.

When taking the elevator, attention should be paid to wearing loose and trailing clothing for passengers (such as long skirts, formal dresses, etc.). It is important to tidy up your clothes and try to stand on the inner side of the elevator car to avoid being caught by the floor or door, which may cause personal injury.

What should I pay attention to when carrying bulky and long items while riding an elevator? Description: When moving large items such as furniture, relevant regulations of the elevator user unit should be followed. Correct operation: When using an elevator to transport bulky and large-sized items, the first step is to obtain the consent of the elevator user and verify that the weight of the items cannot exceed the elevator's load capacity. When entering and exiting the elevator car, be careful not to drag recklessly to avoid damaging the elevator equipment and causing dangerous accidents. When handling large items, if it is necessary to keep the floor or car door open for a long time, elevator professionals should be asked for assistance. It is prohibited to insert cardboard, wooden strips or other objects between floors or car doors, or use boxes or other objects to block the closure of floors or car doors, in order to avoid damaging the components of floors or car doors and causing danger.

12 Prohibitions on bringing flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials into elevator cars. Description: It is prohibited to bring hazardous materials such as flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials into elevator cars. Once an accident occurs, it can cause personal injury or equipment damage. Especially the scattering of corrosive substances can bring hidden accidents to elevators that are not easily detected.

13. Overflowing items should not be brought into the elevator car. Passengers who bring flowing rain gear or overflowing items into the elevator car or cleaners who bring water into the elevator car while cleaning floors can cause the car floor to become damp, causing passengers to slip and even causing water to enter the shaft through the gap between the car door sill, resulting in electrical equipment short circuit faults.

14. Keep the passage to the elevator machine room and the entrance and exit of the machine room unobstructed. Do not stack items at the passage to the machine room and the entrance and exit of the machine room. Keep it unobstructed to avoid affecting the daily maintenance of professionals and emergency rescue and repair, and stacking debris can easily cause fires.

Personnel without an elevator operation certificate are not allowed to use elevator keys for correct operation: elevator floor door keys, control panel keys, and machine room keys can only be used by approved and professionally trained personnel to prevent personal injury or equipment damage.

What should passengers do if they discover abnormal elevator operation (such as floors or car doors not closing, abnormal sounds, vibrations, or burnt odors)? Passengers should immediately stop using the elevator and promptly notify the property department and elevator professionals to come for inspection and repair. Do not take chances or take measures on your own.

Under what circumstances cannot I take the elevator

(1) When a fire breaks out in the building where the elevator is located, the electrical circuits of the building are prone to short circuits, resulting in accidental stoppage of the elevator. Meanwhile, the thick smoke generated by the fire can enter the elevator shaft, causing passengers trapped in the elevator car to suffocate. Therefore, in the event of a fire in the building, it is prohibited to use elevators for evacuation, and fire exits should be used for evacuation.

What should 18 passengers do when trapped inside the car? Description: Trapping people in an elevator is a protective state and there is no danger. Contact the outside world and patiently wait for professionals. Correct operation: When the elevator operates abnormally or passengers are trapped inside the car due to power outages, malfunctions, or other reasons, passengers should remain calm, use communication equipment such as car alarm devices, telephones, alarm buttons, etc. to contact the elevator duty personnel in a timely manner, and patiently wait for the arrival of rescue personnel. They should follow their arrangements and cooperate with the action. Incorrect operation: When passengers are trapped inside the car, forcibly opening the car door or attempting to escape from the safety window on the car roof (the safety window is only used by professional personnel for emergency rescue or maintenance) can easily lead to personal shear or falling accidents. Elevator trapping is a protective state, not a dangerous state. The elevator car has ventilation holes, which will not cause suffocation; The emergency lighting of the elevator car can last for a period of time. There is an emergency rescue contact information inside the elevator car.

What is the "Eight Don'ts" for civilized elevator rides?

(1) Elevators are public places. Do not smoke, spit, litter, or paint inside.

(2) Press the elevator door switch button once, do not forcefully tap the control panel.

(3) Do not open the packaging when carrying items with irritating odors.

(4) Do not let the elevator stay on the same floor for too long, as it may affect the ride of others.

(5) Do not let pets defecate or defecate in the elevator.

(6) Do not make loud noises or play in the elevator, do not jump around randomly, and do not sway left or right to avoid affecting the normal operation of the elevator.

(7) Take care of the facilities inside the elevator car and do not press the alarm button without reason.

(8) Do not use hard objects such as umbrella handles, wooden sticks, sharp knives, keys, etc. to press or tap the display buttons

How to achieve civilized elevator riding in 20?

(1) Accompanying guests or elders to the elevator waiting hall door, they should actively press the outbound button.

(2) When the elevator car reaches the landing station and the landing door opens, you can enter the elevator car first. Press and hold the door button with one hand, politely say "please enter", and invite guests or elders to enter the elevator car.

(3) After entering the elevator car, press the floor button that the guest or elder wants to go to. If there are other people entering the elevator room, you can proactively inquire about the floor you want to go to and help press the button for that floor. Try to face guests sideways inside the elevator car.

(4) When reaching the destination floor, one hand holds down the door open button, and the other hand makes a request to leave. It can be said, "Here we are, please come first!" After the guest leaves the elevator car, he/she immediately steps out of the car and warmly guides the guest in the direction of travel. Safe use of escalators and moving sidewalks

21. Proper use of escalators and sidewalks

(1) Stand facing the direction of travel, with both feet in a safe area of the pedal.

(2) Stand firmly and hold onto the handrail.

(3) Do not stop at the exit by taking the escalator.

(4) Children, the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled should be held or supported by capable adults, while infants and young children should be held and carried by the aforementioned adults.

(5) Pay attention to loose clothing, slippers, soft soled shoes, shoelaces, etc. to avoid getting caught.

(6) Pets should be held by their owners and taken on the elevator.

(7) Passengers who rely on crutches, walking aids, wheelchairs and other assistive devices for walking, as well as passengers who use hand carts and baby strollers, are not allowed to use escalators.

What should passengers pay attention to at the entrance and exit of escalators or moving walkways? Description: Pass through the entrance and exit as soon as possible without stopping. At the exit of escalators or moving sidewalks, passengers should quickly step out with their feet following the movement of the steps, step over the comb board, and rest on the front board to prevent tripping or getting their shoes caught. Passengers should lift their luggage, carrying bags, and other items with force (they can be placed in small carts on the escalator). Pets should be held and should not linger at the exit of the escalator or escalator to avoid affecting the passage of other passengers.

Where should passengers stand on the steps of the escalator when using it? Description: Stand with both feet in the middle of the steps. When passengers step on the horizontal running section of the escalator steps at the entrance, they should pay attention to keeping their feet away from the edge of the steps and standing in the middle of the steps. If there is a yellow warning line, please stand within the yellow safety warning frame. Do not step on the junction of two steps to avoid falling when the steps reach the inclined section due to the height difference between the front and rear steps. When riding on escalators or moving sidewalks, do not touch the apron or inner cover plate under the glass or metal railing with shoes or clothing to avoid personal injury caused by hanging during stair movements.

The 24 escalator should not be used as a walking staircase because the vertical height of the escalator steps is not suitable for people to walk, which can easily cause tripping or rolling. Meanwhile, the use of escalators is prohibited in the event of fire or earthquake. Passengers should evacuate through fire stairs.

Children using escalators and sidewalks should be supervised by adults. Children are curious and playful, and enjoy climbing handrails or staying at the entrance of handrails to play, which can easily lead to scratches, pinching, or falling accidents.

Non dedicated baby strollers and hand carts should not be used on escalators. It is not allowed to use hand strollers, shopping carts, luggage carts, etc. on escalators, otherwise it will cause danger.

27. It is strictly prohibited to extend the head or limbs beyond the handrail device. Passengers are strictly prohibited from extending their limbs or objects beyond the handrail device, otherwise they may be hit by obstacles, ceilings, adjacent escalators or inclined sidewalks, and cause personal injury accidents. The property management department should install warning signs and vertical protective barriers above the handrails of escalators and moving sidewalks that pose risks at intersections with buildings.

28. It is prohibited to ride on escalators or escalators with bare feet or squatting. The comb board of escalators on moving sidewalks can easily cause harm to the feet and buttocks.

29. It is prohibited to walk and run in the opposite direction on escalators and sidewalks. Walking and running in the opposite direction on escalators can affect others, lead to safety accidents, and endanger oneself and others.

30. Do not pull the handrail back forcefully in the opposite direction of the handrail movement, as it will affect the normal operation of the handrail, damage the handrail device components, and scrape and squeeze fingers. During the elevator ride, do not let your fingers and clothing come into contact with the components below the handrails on both sides. Passengers are strictly prohibited from placing heavy objects on the handrail.

Precautions for carrying handlebars, umbrellas, and other sharp and hard objects such as handlebars, umbrellas, or high heels in passenger escalators and sidewalks. Do not insert sharp and hard objects such as handlebars, umbrellas, or high heels into the gaps at the edge of the steps or the grooves of the step pedals to avoid damaging the steps or comb teeth and causing personal injury.

32. It is prohibited to carry bulky items with long or large appearance while using an escalator. The use of escalators and sidewalks for transporting goods is also prohibited. Passengers carrying bulky items with long or large appearance may collide with ceilings, adjacent escalators, etc., causing personal injury or equipment damage. The movement of bulky items is inconvenient, and if they cannot be moved out of the passage of the escalator in a timely manner, it may cause congestion, resulting in subsequent passenger congestion or even stampede accidents.

When accidents occur while riding on escalators or moving sidewalks, such as passengers falling or their fingers, heels, etc. being caught, passengers or duty personnel located at the entrance or middle should be immediately called to press the red emergency stop button to stop the operation of escalators or moving sidewalks, in order to avoid causing greater harm. Under normal circumstances, please do not press this button to prevent sudden stopping and causing other passengers to fall due to inertia.

34. Climbing, leaning, and climbing over handrails or handrails are prohibited

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Address:Chuangli Road, Mid Adjiacent-Lake
Economic Zone,Qidu,Wujiang, Suzhou City,
Jiangsu Province,China

National toll-free service hotline:4006083779
