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Address:Chuangli Road, Mid Adjiacent-Lake Economic Zone,Qidu,Wujiang, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province,China

Corporate News

In modern life, the status of elevators is becoming increasingly important. June this year is the 21st National "Safety Production Month", with the theme of "Compliance with Safety Production Law and Being the First Responsible Person". How to safely use elevators? You need to know these knowledge:

Vertical Elevator Passenger Chapter

When entering and exiting the elevator car, one should leave first and then enter. Do not stop at the door of the elevator car, especially do not stand across the junction of the landing door and the elevator door.

2. After entering the elevator car and pressing the destination floor button, wait quietly for the door to close and the elevator to run. When the door is closing, do not use your hands or feet to directly prevent it from closing. If you need to reopen the door, you can press the door opening button inside the car.

Regardless of whether the elevator is in operation or not, picking, prying, pounding, kicking or kicking the floor or car door are all very dangerous behaviors.

When passengers are trapped inside the elevator due to power outages, malfunctions, or other reasons, passengers should use communication devices such as alarm devices, alarm buttons, and mobile phones inside the elevator to contact the outside world in a timely manner and patiently wait for rescue. Do not forcefully open the door or blindly save yourself. The elevator car is designed with ventilation holes to prevent passengers from suffocating

Escalator and sidewalk passenger use section

1. When stepping onto an escalator or sidewalk, please stand firmly and hold onto it; When approaching the exit, step out of the escalator or sidewalk with your feet raised in a timely manner.

2. Climbing, leaning, and climbing over handrails or handrails are prohibited.

3. Children should not chase, play or run in the opposite direction on the escalator or sidewalk, and should not extend their heads, hands, feet, etc. outside the escalator or pedestrian walkway; Be careful of the gaps between moving parts and avoid touching them with your hands or feet to avoid getting caught and causing injury.

When accidents occur (such as passengers falling or their fingers, heels, etc. being caught), the red emergency stop button should be immediately pressed to stop the operation of the escalator or sidewalk, in order to avoid causing greater harm. Under normal circumstances, please do not press this button to prevent passengers from suddenly stopping and falling due to inertia.

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Address:Chuangli Road, Mid Adjiacent-Lake
Economic Zone,Qidu,Wujiang, Suzhou City,
Jiangsu Province,China

National toll-free service hotline:4006083779
